
Thursday, December 26, 2013

How to Lose Weight on a Low-Carb Diet

How to Lose Weight on a Low-Carb Diet

Science has proven that people on a low-carb diet can eat more food while losing more weight than on traditional low-calorie or low-fat diets. Follow these steps to learn more about how to lose weight on a low-carb diet.



    Research the different low-carb diets. Atkins, South Beach and Sugar Busters are popular examples of low-carb diets. Learn about carbohydrates and how they work in the human body.


    Choose a low-carb diet or combine elements to create a plan that will work for you.


    Buy a carbohydrate counting book and become familiar with the carbohydrate count for the foods you already eat. This pocket-sized book will help you discover what foods you can eat on your new diet.


    Rid your house of any sugary or high-carb products, and then go grocery shopping for low-carb foods. Look online or in the phone book to find a low-carb specialty store.


    Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat and include the carbohydrate count. Also note your daily weight. This will keep you on track and help identify any problem foods that stall your weight loss.


    If you plateau or begin to gain weight, look back over your food diary to find a food that may be the culprit. Everyone is different. For example, some people can eat all the tomatoes they want on a low-carb diet and still lose weight. Others may not be able to eat one tomato without gaining a pound.


    Put some fiber in your diet. Fiber is important when you are on a low-carb diet. Not only does it help keep your digestive system clear, it actually lowers the carb count in foods. For example, if a piece of bread has 15 carbs and 5 grams of fiber, subtract the fiber from the carbs for your "net carb count." Only count 10 carbs for that piece of bread.


    Experiment. Success on a low-carb diet depends on finding what works for you. Try different low-carb products and meal combinations to discover what foods give you the most energy and help you lose weight the fastest.


    Stick with it. Eating low-carb is really more of a lifestyle than a diet. You will lose weight relatively fast on a low-carb diet, but the only way to keep it off is to continue to live a low-carb lifestyle.


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