Foods that burn fat are sought after by those who want a slimmer, healthier body. Knowing how and why certain foods burn fat more effectively will enable you to choose a healthy diet and lose unwanted weight more quickly.
The first food to think about when burning fat is not even a food - it's water. Without water, all other foods that burn fat would do so poorly.
More Water!
Think about the formula for water: H2O. It has hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen helps to bind oxygen together and carry it through blood to the different parts of the body. Hydrogen helps us burn our food fuel into energy. Hydrogen provides the energy to perform functions and transport necessary essential vitamins, minerals and elements throughout the body. Oxygen makes blood healthier and smoother and helps the digestion process. The water helps eliminate fat waste as well as carry essential nutrients to the body. Water helps keep the body flexible, filled and flowing.
Milky Way
Foods that contain calcium are fat burners. Milk, cheese and yogurt are three good examples. Calcium helps maintain muscle contraction. Muscle contraction burns fat.
Pectin Peels
Pectin-rich foods encourage water absorption. Water helps burn fat, as previously stated. Pectin is like Jell-o for plant cell walls. It keeps the walls sticking to each other. Pectin comes from citrus peels, apple rinds and beets.
Whole Grains
Bread and cereals made with whole grain soluble fiber help push through your esophagus the necessary nutrients to your body. Whole grains help eliminate bad cholesterol and thus, unwanted fat from your body. Whole grain is good to keep your blood vessels unclogged, your heart pumping normally and your body a lean, fat-burning machine.
Beans, Beans and Nuts
Nuts burn fat. Nuts are like vegetable meat. They have the protein you need for your diet. Your muscles need protein to build muscle as you exercise. Muscle burns the excess fat you've accumulated.
Legumes (beans), like nuts, are a good source of protein. As said before, your muscles need protein to work -build them up and in turn you burn unwanted body fat. Tofu, soybean, kidney bean, pinto beans, chickpeas/garbanzo beans and nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds and cashews all fit in this category
These few examples should help you choose foods to eat that are proactive in burning fat. Don't forget your water bottle!
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