
Saturday, August 3, 2013

How to Start a Dairy Farm

An efficient breeding program is essential to a dairy operation, since production is dependent on dairy cows' lactation, which can happen only after they give birth. Dairy farms may also specialize; for example, they may produce milk only for use in cheese, cream for ice cream or all-organic milk. Startup costs for a dairy farm can be substantial, however, so follow these steps to minimize your risk.



    Work for a dairy farmer before you consider starting your own farm. Many dairy farmers were raised on farms and either inherited from their parents or branched out on their own. If you weren't born into farming, however, you need to work on a farm before buying one for two reasons: first, because this is the only way to know if you truly enjoy dairy farming and second, because the experience you gain as an employee can't be learned in a classroom or from books.


    Start with 45 to 50 of the best cows you can buy. Minimize debt by renting land and buying used equipment; you can always upgrade these later. But if you begin with poor-producing cows, you'll always be trying to rebuild your herd and you may never be able to catch up.


    Use family labor. Coerce your relatives to help you work the farm, if you can. The fewer people on the payroll at first, the better. Keep costs as low as possible.


    Connect with other farmers. Chances are you aren't the only dairy farmer in the area. Find others with whom you can swap tips, share equipment and grazing pastures and purchase supplies in bulk. The "Wisconsin Grazing Network," which you can reach at (715) 538-4396, helps dairy farmers get together and help each other.


    Consider education. Most universities with agriculture departments have dairy specialists on their faculties. Major in Animal Science with an emphasis on dairy production, and minor in biology or botany. If you don't have time to complete a degree, the University of Wisconsin runs "The Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy Farmers" course. Contact them at (608) 265-6437.


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